Popular architecture and historical heritage.

The main focus of this line of work is the architecture and cultural heritage of the fishing town of Combarro (Pontevedra. Galicia). It is approached from the global perspective of the popular architecture of Galicia and the problems that are currently posed by the historical complexes that experience the impact of mass tourism, devaluing the cultural capital that serves as a basis for this activity.

I have published several articles on this issue in the journals Obradoiro, of the Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia (21, 1992), Cadernos a Nosa Terra de Pensamento e Cultura (19, 1995) and Pontevedra. Revista de Estudos (24, 2015), and several monographs.

In 2012 I was the academic director of the 8th International Congress of Molinology. Innovation and Science in the Ethnographic Heritage. Communications (Tui, 28-30 April 2012), and I was co-editor of its proceedings in CD-Rom (ISBN: 978-84-695-3363-5) and in book: Molinos. Innovation and Science in Ethnographic Heritage. 8th International Congress of Molinology. Pontevedra, Deputación, 2013, 687 pages. ISBN: 978-84-8457-408-8.

In 2014 I coordinated with the architect Iago Seara Morales the Seminar Os Conxuntos Históricos no borde marítimo galego, which was promoted by the Heritage and Cultural Heritage Section of the Consello da Cultura Galega (Santiago de Compostela, 1 and 2 July 2014). His papers are available on the Consello da Cultura website.

These are some of the most recent works on this subject:

2022. Combarro, patrimonio cultural de Galicia. Guía de su arquitectura popular y de su historia, Poio, A Solainam 2022, 82 p. ISBN: 978-84-09-38437-2.

2017. Guía Turística do Conxunto Histórico de Combarro. Historia, Arquitectura e Patrimonio cultural, Poio, A Solaina, 2017, 60 p. ISBN: 978-84-697-8147-0.

2014. Informe Urxente sobre o Conxunto Histórico de Combarro. Proposta dun Plan de Actuación en Dez Medidas para conservar o patrimonio du Ben de Interese Cultural e turístico, Poio, Asociación A Solaina, 2014, 50 p. ISBN 10: 84-617-0081-3.

2014. Vallejo Pousada, Rafael (coordinador), Combarro, Conxunto Histórico (1972-2012). Estudos e Testemuños, Pontevedra, Deputación Provincial, 2014, 107 p. ISBN: 978-84-8457-415-6.

Report on the Built Heritage of the Combarro Historical Site (1991).

In 1991 I directed, within the Association A Solaina de Combarro, the research on the state of the Historical Site of Combarro, and directed the report sent to the Consello da Cultura Galega, to the Xunta de Galicia and to the Galician Parliament, entitled Informe sobre o Patrimonio construido do Conxunto Histórico de Combarro. Datos para a súa consideración como obxecto de espoliación. In 2015 the Revista de Estudios Provinciales de la Diputación de Pontevedra published this report in its entirety.

1991. Informe sobre o Patrimonio construido do Conxunto Histórico de Combarro. Datos para a súa consideración como obxecto de espoliación. Combarro, xaneiro de 1991.