Agriculture and land ownership in Galicia.

The work done on property and agriculture in Galicia starts with my thesis La desamortización del clero regular en Pontevedra, 1836-1843 (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 1990).

An extended version of it won the Humanities Award of the Pontevedra Provincial Council (1991). It was published as A desamortización de Mendizábal na provincia de Pontevedra, 1836-1844, Pontevedra, Deputación Provincial, 1993.

My studies on the Public Treasury connect with this line of research, as I have dealt with the taxation of agriculture in contemporary Spain.

The last major paper I wrote on this subject was the state of the art on disentailment studies in Galicia: Vallejo Pousada, Rafael (2021), "Ramón Villares e o estudio da desamortización en Galicia, 1955-2016: un balance historiográfico... e unha achega", en Artiaga, A. et. Alii, Á volta do tempo. Estudos de Historia Contemporánea, Vigo, Edicións Xerais, pp. 295-332 [ISBN: 978-84-9121-983-5].