The economic history of tourism is currently my main line of research.
My approach to the history of tourism, which began in 1999, has already had a long, and at first discontinuous, trajectory, until 2011. This has led to the presentation of papers and seminars in university courses (1999), in the Master's Degree in Tourism Organisation and Management (2004), or in Tourism Conferences (2010) and Congresses (2011), as well as in some publications, such as " “Economía e Historia del turismo español del siglo XX” (Historia Contemporánea, 25, 2002). This article includes the lesson I gave in 2000 in the competition to become a university lecturer.
My studies on the economy and history of tourism became more systematic after 2012, with my incorporation into the research project Origins, consolidation and evolution of tourism in Spain (Code HAR2011-23214), coordinated by Carlos Larrinaga.
Since then I have worked on the History of tourism in Galicia and Spain during the 19th and 20th centuries, as Principal Investigator of the project History of tourism in Galicia. Origins and development in the 20th century (Reference: HAR2014-52023-C2-2-P), which includes Elvira Lindoso and Margarita Vilar (Universidade da Coruña) and Kirsty Hooper (University of Warwick, GB).
Since 2013 I have published more than twenty articles, book chapters, books or reviews on tourism. A detailed list of these publications, and other initiatives related to this subject, can be seen on the blog of the TURHIS research groups TURHISGAL.
2019. Vallejo Pousada, Rafael and Carlos Larrinaga (coords): Ayer (Monografía El turismo en España), 2/2019, 114.
2018. Vallejo Pousada, Rafael and Carlos Larrinaga (dirs.), Los orígenes del turismo moderno en España. El nacimiento de un país turístico, 1900-1939, Madrid, Sílex, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-7737-689-7.
2017. "¿Hacia dónde va el turismo?: algunas reflexiones desde la Historia", Planur-e, 10, Invierno 2017.
2016. Vallejo Pousada, Rafael, Elvira Lindoso Tato and Margarita Vilar Rodríguez, “Los antecedentes del turismo de masas en España, 1900-1936”, Revista de la Historia de la Economía y de la Empresa, 10, 2016, pp. 137-188.
2015. 1955-2015. El gran viaje. Sesenta años de turismo en España, Madrid, Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo – EOI (Escuela de Organización Industrial), 2015, 303 págs. ISBN: 978-84-15061-52-6.
2015. "Salud y recreo: los balnearios de Galicia y el descubrimiento de una periferia turística en el primer tercio del siglo XX", Agua y Territorio, 6, 2015, pp. 62-79.
2015. Larrinaga, Carlos and Rafael Vallejo (coord.), Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, monografía España como potencia turística. Una visión a largo plazo, Vol. 37, 2015.
2014. De país turístico rezagado a potencia turística. El turismo en la España de Franco. Serie Documentos de Trabajo de la Asociación Española de Historia Económica, DT-AEHE Nº 1408, 2014. ISSN 2174-4912.